Reading Difficult Scholarly Sources
Do scholarly sources seem dry, boring, and difficult? This pdf will outline strategies to make them easier to read.
Critical Reading Guide
This website gives information, infographics, and videos on the basics of reading for research.
How to (seriously) read a scientific paper
Reading scientific papers becomes easier with experience, but the stumbling blocks are real. Take a look at these top tips to help you read your research.
Refining Search Results
This video will explain how to brainstorm a topic before you begin searching, refine your search based on your results, and manage your search results.
Search Tip: Truncation
Increase the effectiveness of your searches by adding truncation, a database tip to make searching easier
Boolean Tutorial (AND OR NOT)
Practice your skills with Boolean operators in this quick tutorial. It will help you understand this easy search technique.
Boolean Operators Infographic
One of the basic techniques for searching is using the Boolean Operators. Boolean searching is a symbolic logic system that creates relationships between concepts and words.
How Library Stuff Works: Boolean
Learn how to use the Boolean Operators AND/OR/NOT to target and refine your search
Truncation Tutorial
Truncation helps you look for plurals and different spellings of a word. This tutorial will help you understand how to use it.
Best Kept Secret: Subject Terms vs. Keywords
This video will help you understand the difference between searching by keywords vs. subject terms in library databases. This is the best kept secret of searching!
Quick Tips for Searching Infographic
Created by MSJC Librarians, this quick reference will get you the 5 best tips for getting your best search results.