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Open Education Resources (OER)

The Fire Technology Program

Fire Technology

The Fire Technology program offers students an opportunity to study fire behavior, fire protection and control techniques, core concepts of culture, safety, and requirements for the fire service. The program also gives the student a chance to interact with professionals in the field and develop their skills to become an entry-level firefighter or help to promote a career firefighter. The classes provide the student with a knowledge of public and private fire service careers that include, but are not limited to; firefighting, arson investigation, fire prevention, fire service management, and public safety.


Reach out to you library liaison with any questions.

Where to Begin?

Where to Begin?

OER Starter Kits

This starter kit has been created to provide instructors with an introduction to the use and creation of open educational resources (OER).
The text is broken into five sections: Getting Started, Copyright, Finding OER, Teaching with OER, and Creating OER.
Although some chapters contain more advanced content, the starter kit is primarily intended for users who are entirely new to Open Education. [Version 1.1. Revised September 5th, 2019.]

The OER Starter Kit for Program Managers


The OER Starter Kit for Program Managers was created to bring attention to the work that is involved in building and managing an OER program, from learning about open educational practices and soliciting team members to collecting and reporting data on your program’s outcomes.
Regardless of your program's scope and your own experience with OER, we hope that the Starter Kit for Program Managers will have some tips to help you along your way.

Attribution License


Firefighter Candidate Testing Center resources:


Introduction to Fire Protection and Emergency Services

Delivers future fire service candidates a head start in the competitive selection process by familiarizing students with the selection and training process. In addition, the Sixth Edition provides a comprehensive and concise overview of the broad spectrum of the fire service, from the primary duties of the modern fire department, to emergency incident management, to fire prevention, to department administration. Login to your MSJC student account to access e-book.


FCTC Study Guide -

A guide to help students prepare for the written exam of the California Firefighter Joint Apprenticeship Committee (CFFJAC).




CPAT Preparation Guide

A preparation guide for the Candidate Physical Ability Test for firefighters (CFFJAC).



Other texts:


Forest Fire

Edited by Janusz Szmyt. Covers environmental, economic and social consequences of forest fires. Will be valuable to researchers as well as students who are interested in different aspects connected to forest fires, not only from the ecological point of view but also from the social one. 



Wildland Fire

John Gollner, Michael (editor); Huang, Xinyan (editor); John Sharples, Jason (editor); Rochoux, Melanie C. (editor)

A collection of articles from a Frontiers Research Topic. Frontiers Research Topics are very popular trademarks of the Frontiers Journals Series: they are collections of at least ten articles, all centered on a particular subject. With their unique mix of varied contributions from Original Research to Review Articles, Frontiers Research Topics unify the most influential researchers, the latest key findings and historical advances.

OAPEN Deposit License – all rights reserved. End users are allowed to read the work online, download, print and copy it for their own personal purposes within the legal framework of their national copyright law. Beyond this all rights are reserved.

Progress in Progress in Combustion Diagnostics, Science and TechnologyCombustion Diagnostics, Science and Technology 

The role that combustion plays in the world’s energy systems will continue to evolve with the changes in technological demands. For example, the challenges that we face today are more focused on the conservation of energy and addressing environmental concerns, which together necessitate cleaner and more efficient combustion processes using a range of fuel sources. This book includes contributions to highlight the recent progress in theory and experiments, development, demonstration of technologies & systems involving combustion processes, for the production, storage, use, and conservation of energy.

Films / Documentaries

Films On Demand - via the MSJC Library website


The Nature of FireOpen Educational Resources graphic

A fire needs heat, fuel, and oxygen. This Science Screen Report examines that triangle of ingredients, and how scientists study it in order to combat-or harness-fire.



Modern Marvels: Firefighting! Containing the Demon 

This episode of Modern Marvels: Firefighting! examines historical attempts to control fire, from ancient Rome to today’s high-tech attempts. Profiling major fires in Chicago, San Francisco, and New York, the show discusses efforts of city planning to reduce fire risk.



Search Films On Demand for other works about "Fire"


A selection of online courses:

Fire SciFire Science and Technology (CTE Online)ence and Technology (CTE Online)

NOTE: You must create a free account to access materials. This course provides students with an introduction in the history of fire fighting, basic firefighting skills, personnel rules and regulations, professional organizations and standards, elementary fire behavior, fire control techniques, firefighting tactics and strategy, fire ground safety and operations, apparatus and equipment operation and maintenance, fire investigation, report writing, wild land training, and physical fitness.



  Advanced Fire Weather Forecasters Course

MetEd is a free collection of hundreds of training resources intended for the geoscience community.
The goal of the Advanced Fire Weather Forecasters Course is to prepare students to deliver specialized services to NWS customers and to manage local and regional fire weather programs. Advanced knowledge of mesoscale meteorology and fire behavior are necessary to better support fire management activities. After completion of this course, students will have a better appreciation for the needs of their customers and the intricacies of providing forecasts for specific fire events.