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Fake News: Find Articles & Videos

A guide to help understand, identify, and avoid fake news.

What's the difference between scholarly and popular sources?

Your instructor said that you cannot use the Internet to find sources for your paper. Instead, you have to use "scholarly journals" and other academic resources from the library. So what does that mean?

Scholarly journals are published by universities, societies, or associations of specialized fields. Articles are written by scholars in that field who present the results of original research and experimentation or provide technical or professional information. They go through a peer-review evaluation process before being published. Peer-reviewed articles are reviewed by other scholars in the same field who provide feedback about the article's quality, accuracy, relevance to scholarship in the field, validity of research methodology and procedures, and more.

Ready to start searching for scholarly journal articles? You will find them in our EBSCO and JSTOR databases. Connect to those through the Popular Databases link on the library homepage.

Popular Magazines

Popular magazine images

  • General interest stories or entertainment information
  • Based on fact-finding and/or opinion
  • Written by staff writers or journalists
  • Read by the general public
  • Easy to understand language
  • Usually do not include references
  • Contain lots of colorful advertising

Fake News: Videos

Kanopy Streaming Video, MSJC's streaming video database, has several full-length documentaries available on the subject of Fake News:

Scholarly Journals

Scholarly journal images

  • Focused on a particular field of study
  • Based on original research or experimentation
  • Written by scholars or experts in a particular field
  • Read by professionals, students or educators in the subject area
  • Use scholarly, technical, research-oriented language
  • Include references, bibliographies or footnotes
  • Contain little or no advertising

Fake News: Find Articles

Find Magazine, Newspaper and Journal Articles

Try the following databases to find articles on topics around fake news. These databases index journals, newspapers and other material.

  • EBSCOhost - Search from a wide range of research databases for magazine and journal articles. Updated daily.
  • Issues & Controversies - Covers background and points of view about hot topics in business, politics, government, education, and popular culture.
  • Opposing Viewpoints - Opposing Viewpoints is a source for information on today's hottest social and controversial issues.