Ex: Investor's Business Daily
The Village Voice
- Current information
- News stories
- Opinion and commentary
- Texts of speeches, etc.
Newspaper databases:
- NexisUni
- Newspaper Source Plus
- Regional Business News
- New York Times
- Wall Street Journal
Popular Magazines
Ex: Time
Rolling Stone
- overview of current events
- Does not use technical language
- Contains charts, images, graphs
Periodical databases:
- Academic Search Premier
- Ebsco
Professional, Trade and Industry journals
Ex: Best's Review
Library Journal
- Written for practitioners in applied fields
- Product information
- Current trends and practices
- Ebsco
- Academic Search Premier
Journals of Opinion
Ex: American Conservative
The New Republic
- Written from a political viewpoint (liberal, conservative)
- General audience
- Commentary on politics, society
- Book reviews
General Databases:
- Masterfile Premier Publications
- Ebsco
Scholarly/Research Journals
Ex: Journal of Environmental Health
Information Technology & People
- Reports of original research
- In-depth analysis of topics
- Uses technical vocabulary
Specialized databases:
- ERIC - Educational Resources Information Center
- Academic Search Premier
- Ebsco
- CINAHL Plus Full Text Nursing Journals