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Communication 100


Getting Started with Communication 100 Research

Where do I start? This is often one of the biggest questions students have when thinking about planning their speech. Here are some tips that can help you: 

  • Make sure to get started early- that way, you don’t feel rushed choosing a topic or searching for information. 
  • Brainstorm your ideas- explore the tutorials below, browse the books on the “Find Books” page, or explore one of the websites on the “Find Articles” and “Evaluating Web Resources” pages. 
  • Choose an idea that interests you. You will be able to speak more passionately about something you are truly interested in. 
  • Use an OrgChart to organize your ideas and then narrow in on your topic. 
  • Allow the research to guide the content of your speech. Write in drafts so that you can easily revise. 
  • Make sure to proofread your speech and work on delivery. Use the college’s tutoring services if necessary.

Deciding on a Topic


Deciding on a Topic: Sometimes it's difficult to decide on a topic, but the library is here to help! We have resources that will aid with the decision making process and direct you to the sources you need to get started.

Check out our Research Guide on Ideas for Research Papers:

Here's a Tutorial on Choosing a Topic:

The Research Process: Video

Check out this video and tutorial on the Research Process

The Research Process Video and Tutorial

Videos on Public Speaking (from Films on Demand):

Introduction to Public Speaking
Principles of Public Speaking series
Public Speaking Series